eFrame Srl was founded in 2015 as an innovative start-up. We provide consultancy services to organizations looking to transition towards green and circular economies.

For companies, we offer a path based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act approach, starting with an initial analysis that measures the organization's Carbon and Environmental Footprint. We construct emission reduction plans by defining objectives and scenarios consistent with the Science based Targets Initiative, aiming for carbon neutrality through emission offsetting via carbon credit purchases.

We assist Public Entities in drafting Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans.

Additionally, we certify ecosystem services according to the PEFC standard (forest carbon, sustainable tourism).

eFrame is:

  • ISO 9001 certified,
  • a member of Animaimpresa and ConfApi Udine, affiliated with the Maritime Technology Cluster FVG,
  • was awarded the Sustainable PA Award 2019: 100 projects to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda,
  • was awarded the Sustainable Development Award 2016: Start-up of the green economy.


Work areas for student mobility traineeships and theses

  • Energy Diagnosis: Analysis, Optimisation and Sustainability
  • LCA assessment: Carbon and Environmental Footprint, Greenhouse Gas Inventory, Circularity Index of product, process, organisation


If interested in these topics, please contact the course coordinator