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An English taught MSc program with a global view

Future engineers must be prepared to work in international marketplaces, where a career may physically be thousands of miles from home or linked to the other side of the world virtually. We believe in lecturing in English and building up an international learning environment as a means to provide our students with the skills needed for their careers.

Studying in Udine as international students

Aspiring to assure a globally and culturally diverse education, we welcome international students from European and non-European countries. For the year 2024/25, a maximum of 15 places in this Master’s Program are reserved for students resident in non-EU countries. Find more information here and write to studenti(at) to get info and support for your specific case.

Scholarships and services (e.g., accommodation) for students enrolled at the University of Udine are offered by the Regional agency for the right to education of Friuli Venezia Giulia. More information can be found here.

Additional opportunities and services for students in Industrial Engineering for Sustainable Manufacturing will be offered by partner companies and institutions to highly motivated students willing to undertake internships during their studies.


Courses, thesis or an internship abroad? Yes, with Erasmus+!

Erasmus+ is a European Union programme that allows university students to spend a period of study (from 3 to 12 months) at a university in another European country with an EU financial contribution and without having to pay fees at the partner university. You can attend courses, take examinations, prepare your MSc Thesis, or even  carry out internships, as long as they go hand in hand with study.  Examinations successfully passed during Erasmus are recognised, both in terms of credits and grades, by the home university. The contribution for Erasmus Studio students varies from 250€ to 300€ per month depending on the country of destination. The University supplements the European contribution with a further contribution that varies according to the recipient's income.
Each year, the Erasmus+ mobility call is published. Each degree course offers mobility on the basis of specific agreements stipulated between the University of Udine and its European partner universities. The requirements for admission to mobility are specified in detail in the call for applications. Talk to your lecturers and visit the websites of the European partner universities  in the field of engineering to find possible destinations as an outcoming student, or to check if there is an active agreement with your university so that you can join our program as an incoming student.




For information about admission and enrollment write to: studenti(at) 

For further information about Erasmus+ write to claudia.schileo(at) or sonia.bosero(at)  from the

International Office - University of Udine

via Gemona, 92 Palazzo Garzolini Di Toppo Wassermann - Udine

phone: 0432 556221; 0432 556226